Tuesday 1 November 2011

Soldier’s Video to Daughter Melts Hearts Around Web and MTV Occupies Wall Street

A touching video of a father reading a bedtime story to his little girl is making the rounds on the Web. What makes this video especially moving is that the dad, who's in the Air Force, recorded the bedtime stories before he left for basic training. The toddler's mother, Audra, said her husband, Dan, made the videos because he wanted his 2-year-old daughter to be able to see him every day. What he didn't expect, though, was an additional 100,000 people seeing him, too. The video has become a Web sensation. Although almost everyone who's seen the video thinks it's both heartwarming and heartbreaking, some people are not so positive. Audra told Trending Now that she is not doing any on-camera interviews because she has received scores of negative messages from people voicing antimilitary views. Overall, however, @DamarisToma's tweet sums up the general sentiment. She wrote, "Things like this remind me time and time again why I love ALL THINGS DIGITAL! Heart = Melted!" What do you think of the video? Tell me on Twitter and Facebook!
The Occupy Wall Street movement in Manhattan has seen its fair share of celebrity visitors. Now, MTV is looking to turn some of the protesters into celebs themselves. MTV announced that it will be airing an episode of its documentary show "True Life" titled "True Life: I'm Occupying Wall Street." According to MTV, cameras followed three protesters for two weeks to "uncover the motivations that continue to drive them." The show is slated to air November 5. Believe it or not, this isn't the only show MTV is expected to make featuring Occupy Wall Street. Just last week a Craigslist ad was posted asking Occupy Wall Street protesters to audition for season 27 of the MTV reality show "The Real World."

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