Thursday 23 June 2011

The Pandora's Box System filetype:pdf

What’s In “One Minute Mind Reading”?What is One Minute Mind Reading? . iv
packed into this Handbook and the Pandora’s Box System...
Different Types of Women? . 1
the only three things you’ll ever need to know about a woman...
An Unusual Discovery in Female Sexual Psychology . 3
how an argument with my girlfriend led to a dramatic discovery...
1,062 Women In Just 90 Days . 5
sounds like a lot of fun? you bet it was...
Read Her Mind In Just 3 Simple Steps 7
these important tricks tell you exactly what she’s thinking...
STEP 1: Read Her “Time Line” . 9
things to do and traps to avoid when you first meet a woman...
STEP 2: Read Her “Sex Line” . 11
things to do and traps to avoid when you’re trying to get her home...
STEP 3: Read Her “Relationship Line” 13
things to do and traps to avoid when you want to keep her around...
How To Use Pandora’s Box . 15
how to use these techniques to ditch rejection, forever...
What Is One Minute Mind Reading?
by Vin DiCarlo
Have you ever wondered why women flirt one minute, and then
reject you if you make a move? How about what she really means,
behind all of her woman speak? Maybe you’d like to know when
or if a woman’s attracted to you... or how a specific woman would like to be
approached... or even specific topics of conversation proven to never die, or
leaving you searching for words while your mind goes blank.
I used to think that if I could read a woman’s mind, there would be so much less
guesswork. But until now, trying to guess what she’s thinking was literally that
– a blind guess. A shot in the dark. And overall, a waste of your time.
And because you couldn’t know what she’s thinking, all methods designed to
meet women relied on the same methodology, when you boil them down:
Step 1. Meet a woman.
Step 2. Say X, Y, Z to her
Step 3. Hopefully have sex with her.
Step 4. Rinse and repeat
With Step 4. Rinse and repeat being the worst offender of all. Because until
now, we didn’t know how to see why each woman is unique. And we couldn’t
tell her particular “flavors” of conversation, or preferences in a man. So all
techniques, even the ones I’ve taught you, were simply handed to you with
these instructions, “Say this to every beautiful woman you meet.”
And hey, sometimes it works. Especially if the techniques came from a credible
source. But the dirty secret most pickup artists don’t want you to know is a 25-
50% success rate is astoundingly high. Even most men who professionally meet
women only succeed in picking up one out of four women they like.
Why so low? Well, I’ll explain that in just a second... the real question is why
not a different technique for each and every woman you meet? Well, that’s
simple: Using the same technique is the SAFE way to meet women.
But the problem is, “safe” isn’t attractive to women.
Only absolute certainty and confidence is attractive.
And in the pages of this book – One Minute Mind Reading – this is exactly
what I’m going to give you: Complete Certainty over what she’s thinking, so
you’ll know what to say to her... you’ll know how to turn her on... and you’ll
keep a girl you like around forever, without even one painful fight or breakup.
This is a big promise, so I know you’re going to be skeptical. That’s fine,
you don’t need to believe me yet. Simply give me a minute of your time and
suspend your disbelief, until I finish explaining exactly how this system works,
to you.
Because by the end of this book, you’ll know with absolute certainty that you
can meet any girl you want, and have a near 100% shot at making her attracted
to you.
Different Types of Women?
I’ve spent the last ten years training hundreds and hundreds of men around
the globe. They’ve learned how to meet, attract and start relationships with
the women of their dreams. And when I first meet a guy, and watch him
interact with women… I realize he’s already going a lot of things right!
I suspect that you and the average man I train are alike, in certain aspects. For
example: He knows a lot of techniques, probably more than he can effectively
use. He knows great ways to start conversations, and some tricks to keep it
going. He has a few techniques he knows to go for that first kiss and more…
… So he knows enough “stuff,” but he isn’t getting the results he wants. I
notice that this is usually because he’s using “the right stuff” on the wrong kind
of woman. Let me explain:
Let’s take a compliment. Compliments are dynamite when used on the right
type of woman. Tell the right girl that her eyes are beautiful, and she melts like
winter snow. Her eyes go all “puppy dog” and she gently smiles back at you.
Tell this same compliment to another girl, and she simply shrugs it off. No
reaction. Not even a flinch.
Why would a compliment work that powerfully on one woman, and not even
register an effect on the other? It’s simple: Women are different. Women are
unique. And because she’s different and unique, she likes different things from
a man.
Take two equally attractive women, for instance:
One woman has been with only three men in her life (all past boyfriends). She
has a serious boyfriend who walks her home from work every weekend. And
she goes to church with her family, every Sunday morning at 11am. Most of her
free time outside of dating is spent learning how to cook – her passion.
Another woman has slept with more than 30 men. She is constantly hit on,
because of how she dresses and carries herself. She’s worked as a stripper, as
a bartender and most recently a nude model. Most of her free time outside of
dating is spent starting a business, because she wants to be self-sufficient.
Would you really expect to say the same thing to both of these women, and
still have them both be attracted to you? Of course not, because all women
are different.
So you simply need to understand how different, and in what ways she’s
unique and you’ll have all the information you need to hold custom, tailored
conversations with her, that make her strongly attracted to you, each and
every time.
In order to do this, let’s find out just how unique she is...
An Unusual Discovery In
Female Sexual Psychology
One day, I was with a girlfriend I had been with for 3 years. We had
just gotten into an argument about something so petty, I can’t even
remember what the argument was. I was tired, I had just gotten home
from a long day of work and the last thing I wanted to do was to fight. So I told
her, sarcastically, “Whatever baby. I’m in this for the long haul.” Making a joke
about being tied down.
I was expected for her to get mad. Instead, she stopped dead in her tracks, she
got all teary-eyed and she started making out with me. It felt like she had fallen
in love – and become incredibly aroused – by a simply comment I made. A
sarcastic one, at that!
It seemed like a strange situation to me. After all, with my past experiences with
women I knew that saying “Whatever baby” shouldn’t make a girl aroused like
that… but it did… Then I got to thinking, what if the comment being sarcastic
didn’t matter. What if she simply wanted to hear, “Baby, I’m in this for the long
haul” and as soon as I said it, it triggered her emotionally.
I thought back to times I had said odd things to girls and had them work. I
realized that the girls this worked on all had very odd things in common. For
instance: Girls who fell for unusual compliments tended to date around a lot
more than other girls. And girls who responded well to really romantic gestures
tended to have more partners than other girls, as well.
And all of a sudden it hit me... what if all women weren’t the same, but all
women weren’t different either? I started seeing partners in the women I’d
dated, and I noticed a few “character types” coming up more than others.
The second I had that thought, a shudder ran down my spine. At that point I
knew I was onto something huge. And you’re about to learn something that will
make dating any woman and having sex with her, much easier...
1,062 Women in 90 Days
At this point, I had all the information I needed. We’d been teaching
men around the world how to meet women for 5 years. So the
techniques that worked to turn women on, to keep women interested
and to make a woman attracted to you were already there. I focused on finding
out more about a woman’s innermost desires:
Me and my Trainers got our hands on every book on female psychology there
is. Titles like “Unhooked: How Young Women Pursue Sex, Delay Love, And
Lose At Both” by Laura Sessions Stepp, “Engendered Lives: A New Psychology
Of Women’s Experience” by Ellyn Kaschak, “Dilemmas of Desire” by Deborah
L. Tolman... as well as about a dozen more big books, and hundreds of
academic articles.
And we also started interviewing women. 1,062 to be exact. We interviewed
women by phone, we used surveys we set up... We found girls on Craigslist,
Facebook and of course, we meet over 630 of these women the old fashioned
way – walking up to her and saying hi.
Some of these women were “in” on the experiment. Many of these women were
not. All of these women lead to deeper understanding of how each woman is
unique, and most importantly, how you can use this uniqueness to make her
attracted to you.
During this time, we made an astonishing discovery -
Women do indeed have character types! And not simple “personality test” types
like Good Girl / Bad Girl, Party Girl or Cougar, either. There are 8 types of
women in the same way there are 16 Myers-Briggs personality types.
And while we were coming up with these different types of women, then testing
them out in field to make sure our findings were accurate, we stumbled onto 3
simple questions that let you know exactly what she’s thinking or feeling at any
given time.
These simple questions tell you her type, and open up her mind so it’s easy to
read... so conversation keeps flowing for ever and ever... so you can turn her on
using the perfect words at the perfect times... and so you’ll never suffer through
a messy breakup with a girl you loved.
Read Her Mind in Just 3 Simple Steps
Awoman’s thoughts aren’t that complex, just like my thoughts aren’t
that complex. Your thoughts aren’t that complex. You see, we’re all
capable of imagining an infinite number of things, but we spend most
of our time thinking about a handful of topics. We call this “mental habits” and
everybody’s got a few.
Individually, your mental habits are so different than mine, that if we laid
them out on paper, we could easily tell them apart. However, pick a topic like
dating... Or pick an even more important topic, like sex... And our mental habits
probably look exactly the same.
I spend time thinking about sex, and imagining the women I want. I have
fantasies and desires that are – statistically – pretty similar to yours. And
women function the same way, as well. Take all the women in the world, break
down their mental habits and you’ll find they think about dating and sex – a
LOT. More importantly, they focus on three main topics. These are the three
main topics we’re going to “mind read” and when you get skilled at reading
these “Mind Lines” as I like to call them, you’ll be able to guess a woman’s
type accurately in less than a minute.
Hence, One Minute Mind Reading.
By now, I can tell a woman’s type in under 30 seconds, flat. And when you’re
first starting, I’d estimate it will take you a maximum of 5 minutes. And once
you know her type, you only need to focus on just three things the ENTIRE
time you know her – from first words to sex, and more. So when you think
about it, all the effort and work you used to put into meeting girls is now
condensed into one, simple, 5 minute block of time. (And this block of “work”
gets smaller and smaller the more you do it)
Here’s a quick preview of the three Mind Lines, and how they’re useful to you:
1) The Time Line – women worry about Time and Dating. She worries she
won’t find the right partner before her “youth” starts to fade. So, she either
dates around or she finds a guy and settles down. All women fall into one of
these two choices, and this Line tells you exactly how to approach.
2) The Sex Line – women have risks associated with Sex. Risks much bigger
than a man’s risks, including pregnancy and the risk of rape. However, sex
still feels very good and she’s driven to crave it. So, she’s going to justify her
decision to have sex in spite of the risks, or she’s going to deny that there are
any risks involved, at all. All women are one of these two types, and this Line
tells you how to get her into bed. (This line is the trickiest to read – and also the
most useful)
3) The Relationship Line – women have two different views on Relationships.
One woman wants to settle down with a white picket fence. The other woman
wants to focus on her career and be successful. All women want a relationship
that’s one of these two choices, and this Line tells you how to keep her.
In the next three Chapters, I’m going to show you all three Lines, and I’m going
to show you how they impact your dating life. (Plus, we’re going to take a
minute in each section to “read” this line of a famous celeb)
So let’s get crackin’...
STEP 1: Read Her “Time Line”
“Why Is Talking To A Woman So Damn Difficult!?”
Do you want to date a bunch of women at once, then pick the best woman for
you? Or do you want to find a girl who’s “good enough” to be your girlfriend,
and then change her into the perfect girlfriend?
Just like you decided one option is better than the other, women like one option
better as well. Women are looking for a long term partner to settle down with.
And she has two ways to do this... either date a bunch of men at the same time,
and then pick the best guy. Or, she can date the first “good enough” guy that
comes along and try to change him. (That stereotype exists for a reason)
A girl who dates around - will never try to change a man, because she’ll simply
pick a better guy from her pool of suitors. A girl who invests her time in the first
guy who’s good enough will never play the field, because it distracts her from
her focus: Improving the guy she’s with.
When you know how to read her “Time Line”, you’ll be able to start
conversations with any girl that you meet... keep these conversations from
dying out as long as you wish... and make “rejection” a part of your dating past,
for good.
And every woman you meet falls into one of half of the Time Line, not both. If
you approach her with the wrong strategy, you’re dead in the water. This is why
starting a conversation is tough – one type of women responds to compliments,
and the other thinks compliments are demeaning.
Already, you see why saying the same thing to all women works only 50% of
the time...
Do you approach
a woman with a
Then your conversation is
going to die out with over
50% of women.
Including Megan Fox
(a compliment would be
a complete disaster)
STEP 2: Read Her “Sex Line”
“Oh God... Oh God... Oh GOD!
Wait... No... Not Like That...”
Sex feels great. But let’s face it: If a woman sleeps around too much, she’s
labeled a slut. Plus, she’s more likely to get pregnant. And her risk of
getting an STD goes through the roof. However, she still wants to feel
the fun of sex, so she has a dilemma: Does she justify her sexual activities, or
does she deny she’s doing anything wrong?
A girl who denies she’s in a tricky sexual situation won’t sleep with you just
because you got her turned on.
A girl who justifies her sexual activity with statements like “I’m just a modern
woman” won’t sleep with you just because you make her feel safe.
When you know which girl she is, you’ll know how to turn her on, every
time... you’ll know when she’s ready to make your move... you’ll make her
chase you for sex... and you’ll know everything you should say and do, to
get her into bed.
But she will not go home with any man who appeals to the wrong one of her
sexual drivers. If you treat her romantically, she’ll leave you at the curb if she
only wants pleasure. And vice versa. So no matter what you do, if you do the
same thing around all women, you can only get 50% of all women to go home
with you.
Plus, women who date around don’t necessarily justify their sex drives. And,
women who look for the “right” man sometimes deny ever liking sex. So, if
you were saying the same thing to all women, and using the same strategy to
bring her home... you currently only have a 25% shot of getting that girl you’re
interested in.
Not to mention... Not all women want the same relationship, in or out of bed...
Are you
Then over 50% of women
will think you’re a weak
Including Eva Mendez
(she likes a more
practical man)
STEP 3: Read Her “Relationship Line”
“Cheat On MY Boyfriend? You Must Be Kidding...” If you’ve seen any movie with a woman in it since 1990, you know that
women want two different lifestyles. First, there’s the woman who wants
to a be a housewife. Her main goal is to have a family, a white picket fence
and the perfect husband. She’s in her relationship for the long run.
Second, there’s the businesswoman who focuses on her career. Lots of movies
show her being a powerful force in the boardroom, and in the bedroom. So
many women try to follow in her shoes. She puts her family life on the back
burner to chase her own dreams. And her relationship is more realistic: She
knows divorce is very real in modern society. So she loves the man she’s with,
she’s just not naive.
An Idealist - A woman who’s focused on family and devoted to her partner -
won’t ever be tempted to leave her man to chase her own dreams.
A Realist - A woman who’s chasing a powerful goal - won’t ever settle for a
man who’s not motivated, or wants her to settle down into a picture-perfect
When you know how to read her Relationship Line, you’ll keep your perfect
girl around without nasty fights or breakups... you’ll keep her loyal, no matter
what... and you’ll know how to get and keep her involved in your life. So
you’re sharing a relationship (to the point she’s comfortable in either a multiple
girl relationship, or even marriage if you want)
But if you treat a woman who wants a perfect home like a woman who wants a
career, you’re toast. And vice versa. So using the same strategy to keep a happy
relationship only has a 50% shot of success.
And you can’t tell how she is in a relationship until you two finally settle down
together (at least until you sleep with her.) So if you use just one strategy to
meet women, you only have a 12.5% shot at making her your girlfriend. And
even if you’re batting one-thousand, and following a one-size-fits-all method
perfectly, seven out of eight times you’re going to suffer rejection.
So obviously, you need to adapt your approach, woman to woman. And as you
discovered in The System, this is easily done, once you know which of the 8
types of woman she is...
Do you like just cuddling
with your girl?
Then over 50% of women
are going to get bored of
your relationship.
Including Jessica Alba
(she needs fun dates
to stay interested)
How To Use Pandora’s Box
This is the most important chapter of “The One Minute Mind Reader.” In this
very brief, yet very important page, I’m going to share with you everything
that’s possible once you unlock Pandora’s Box. (The system that the One
Minute Mind Reader concept comes from)
In fact, once you start to see the power of the Pandora’s Box System, you’ll
being to realize that the One Minute Mind Reader is just the tip of the iceberg!
Understanding the different steps of “Mind Reading” and being aware of
CRITICAL differences in a woman’s personality is just the first step to fully
realizing the full power of the Pandora’s Box System.
In the thousands of hours of testing, not one Trainer who knew this... not one
student we taught this to... not even the camera guy who watched the initial
shooting ever met a woman Pandora’s Box didn’t work on. We seduced her
easily using the ideal approach, using custom fit conversation, our custom
tailored sexual advances and of course, we presented her with the perfect
In a paraphrased line from one of my favorite movies of all time (Boiler Room):
“Now you know what’s required, let me tell you what’s possible...”
Customizing Your Tools To Attract the RIGHT Type of Women – Trust me,
there’s nothing worse than learning some brand new techniques only to find
out they only work on the WRONG type of woman, and actually REPEL the
sweet, perfect girlfriend you’re looking to attract. When you have an in depth
understanding of Pandora’s Box, you’ll know EXACTLY which kinds of tools
work on which kind of women. So you can LASER TARGET your approaches,
your conversational tools and other behaviors to insure you are getting GREAT,
AMAZING women that suit your own taste.
Be Part Of An Elite Secret Society– Very few men will ever know what you
know. Very few men make her feel the way you make her feel. When you
know the Pandora’s Box System, no man alive will have the tools to take her
from you, or keep her from you. And because you’re part of such a small and
elite group, it’s incredibly empowering to know that a woman is YOURS with
absolute certainty.
Decoding “Woman Speak” - No more double talk, and not knowing what
she means. No more flirty dates that end with “I don’t like you like that” You’ll
know what she means and always be a step ahead. Above and beyond decoding
her “female language” you will be able to fully understand her emotions,
predict her behavior, and ultimately know her better than she knows herself.
Not only will you become an absolute authority in her life, but in the beginning
stages, when you know her specific charactertype, you’ll know EXACTLY
what type of date will appeal to her, when you can go in for that kiss, and when
she’s ready for physical intimacy. The difficult once again becomes easy.
Be Flashy, Be Fun – Pandora’s Box lets you know any girl’s thoughts within a
minute of meeting her. Think of a time your friend got an attractive girl in front
of you and how jealous it made you... Now flip that around. It’s like having a
woman’s best friend sitting on your shoulder telling you exactly what she likes,
exactly what to say, and exactly how to take it to the next level. Other guys will
never know what hit them, and beg you to let them in on your secret. But if
you’re like most men I meet, you’ll keep them all to yourself.
Stone-Cold Confidence – I love this term because it implies immovable
strength. Women will feel this power when you use these secrets, because
you understand her world and what makes her tick. There’s something about
knowing a subject SO WELL that it just gives you superhuman confidence.
Some guys are experts in computers, some guys are experts in cars and trust
me, once you know the Pandora’s Box System you’re going to be a stone-cold
EXPERT in the Female Mind.
The Perfect Man – You’ll be her ideal man. Someone she couldn’t live
without. Someone she’s happy with, all the time. Exactly as you are... without
lying, hiding or shielding yourself. She’ll fall in love with – or simply go
home with – You. This is because you ALREADY have all of the necessary
characteristics to attract any woman you want INSIDE YOURSELF. It’s
simply a matter of knowing which parts of yourself to highlight to her, and
exactly when to highlight them. It simplifies the dating process tremendously
because instead of having dozens and dozens of tools, and having to GUESS
which ones to use, (and get it wrong most of the time) I’m going to show you
the EXACT set of tools (and the number of tools necessary is usually between
3-5) to show her that you are absolutely perfect for her.
“Approach Anxiety” - I’ve discovered that the more certain you are of
success, the less afraid and anxious you get about things. Think of Olympic
Athletes – no fear. It makes talking to women FUN again… because it gives
you the perfect focus – you are simply curious about her and finding out her
charactertype… Talking to women will become something you WANT to
do because it’s like solving a fun little puzzle, and in the end it gives you
MASSIVE rewards. So many guys are suffering so much frustration because
they are trying to FORCE the wrong type of key into the wrong type of lock.
And just like a key that doesn’t fit a lock, women will reject men that use the
WRONG type of approach and tools.
Conversations That Never End – Conversation becomes easy because if
there’s one thing women LOVE to talk about – is themselves – and how
they think. Pandora’s Box is going to make you a P.h.D. in Female Sexual
Psychology, and when you know women better than they know themselves,
running out of things to say will become a thing of the prehistoric past. And
what’s even better, not only will they look to you as an authority, but the ability
to talk about psychology, namely SEXUAL psychology, your ability to get them
having sexual thoughts with you will have a dramatic increase.
Turn Your Friends Into Girlfriends – Pandora’s Box is perfect for turning
friends into girlfriends. You’re only friends with her because you’re not “that
guy” in SOME way. You’re missing something that HER TYPE desperately
needs. You’ll figure it out & fix it... FAST. And once you fix it, the key will
work, almost like magic. You’ll go from friend to soul mate, literally overnight.
If You Want To Know More...
Thanks for reading One Minute Mind Reading, from The Pandora’s Box
System. You got this book because you were curious exactly what a
woman’s thinking, and how knowing this can help you meet women
with a sniper’s accuracy. You’ll get any woman you want. Your conversations
will never die. And it’s all because you’ll know her “type” and know her
deepest desires better than she knows herself.
If you’d like to know more – including how to quickly identify a woman’s type, and
find out exactly what specific tools turn her on or make her fall in love – I’d like
to give you more information. And I’d like to give you this information, for free.
Simply go to this page, scroll to the bottom and sign up for the Live Event.
March 7th, 2010 you’ll be invited to a ground-breaking announcement I can’t
share with you here, but the details will make meeting women easier than it’s
ever been before. It’s going to completely change the landscape of how men
interact with women. And I look forward to seeing your amazing success.
Simply click this link, scroll down to the bottom and snag one of the last
remaining seats at this Event, before the deadline is gone forever. And keep
this book somewhere safe. Because once you know the entire Pandora’s Box
System – One Minute Mind Reading will open a world of opportunity for you.
And meeting women will never have been so fun. Or so easy.
About The Author
Vin DiCarlo has been teaching men how to
meet women for the past 5 years, ever since
recovering from a break-up, then pulling
himself up out of near depression to amazing
success with women.
His best-selling book The Attraction Code has
been read in over 64 countries, in 3 different
languages and on all 6 populated continents,by
thousands of men who fanatically recommend
it to their friends.
He’s been interviewed and featured on CBS Radio, Playboy Radio, Sirius Radio
and on Google News. He’s done features for Pickup Podcast, taught a seminar
at Syracuse University, and was featured in a 7 page article in Boston Magazine
– as a citywide phenom in his hometown of Boston – which is read by over
600,000 men per month.
Vin currently lives in the New York City area and spends his free time playing
jazz guitar, romancing women and delving into female psychology.
Vin DiCarlo

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