Thursday 8 September 2011

Getting Started With Exercise

Embarking on a new exercise program is exciting, and an important part of a healthy diet. You’re going to get in shape, maybe finish a 5K walk or race, get more energy, and possibly even fit into an old pair of jeans.
But it’s easy for that excitement to be dampened if you don’t know where to start or feel overwhelmed by the whole idea of exercise.

Exercise: Get Off to a Flying Start
Here’s how to start an exercise program and stick to it, while keeping your excitement level high:
  • First consult your doctor, if needed. If you’re a man over 45 or a woman over 55 and you plan to do a vigorous activity like running, experts recommend that you see a doctor before you start an exercise program. At any age, see your doctor before you begin if you have a heart condition, feel chest pain during exercise or at rest, lose your balance, have lost consciousness, have joint or bone problems, take medications for high blood pressure or your heart, have lost weight for no apparent reason, or have wounds on your feet that don’t heal.
  • Set a goal. The most important part of starting an exercise program is identifying a goal, says Jessica Matthews, a personal trainer and continuing education coordinator for the American Council on Exercise (ACE) in San Diego. “Is your goal to be healthier, to live a more active, longer life?” Matthews asks. Then aim for 30 minutes of moderately intense exercise on about five days a week. Moderate intensity means you’re working hard, but you’re still able to carry on a conversation for 20 seconds without gasping for air.
    If weight loss is your goal, bump it up to 60 to 90 minutes of exercise at a moderate intensity on about five days a week, Matthews says. If you want to increase your intensity to something more vigorous, such as jogging instead of walking, then you only need to do that three times a week, Matthews adds. However, it’s a good idea to mix up the intensity by doing a few days of walking and two days of jogging, or by alternating two minutes of walking with two minutes of jogging for the entire length of each session.
    Also, everyone should do strength training exercises at least twice a week (but not on consecutive days, so that muscles can recover), such as lifting weights or abdominal exercises, lunges, and squats. Matthews recommends doing 8 to 12 repetitions of 8 to 10 different exercises that target all your muscle groups. For ideas on strength training exercises to do at home, ACE offers a free online tool that gives you all the information you need to work the different areas of your body.
  • Choose your activities. If exercise is to be a daily part of your life, be sure to choose an activity that you enjoy. Are you happy to lace up your shoes for a brisk walk around your neighborhood, or would you rather hop on a bike for a long ride? Love to play tennis, or do you prefer an aerobics or kickboxing class at the gym? To avoid boredom, mix it up a bit by occasionally changing your walking route or hiking a trail instead, or by varying the activities themselves. If you’re a woman looking for a gym that won’t be intimidating, Matthews recommends trying an all-women’s facility.
  • Schedule it in ink. Part of the reason exercise may feel overwhelming is because of our busy schedules, Matthews says. But you can probably find places where you can fit in exercise. Maybe it means getting up an hour earlier in the morning, taking time during your lunch break, or getting on the treadmill when you watch television at night. It may help to put exercise right into your day planner along with must-do meetings and doctor appointments. If you don’t have 30 to 60 minutes at one stretch, then break up your exercise throughout the day. Research shows you can get the same benefits when you walk for 10 or 20 minutes three times a day.
  • Recruit a built-in motivator. Staying motivated to exercise week after week is hard for most people, but if you invite a friend to go for walks with you or join a cycling group, you’ll have extra motivation to show up and work hard. Another option: Hire a certified personal trainer to work with you at home or at the gym. A trainer can build a custom-made exercise program to help you meet your goal, and knowing your trainer is waiting for you will help get you out the door, Matthews says.
  • Track your progress. Another way to stay motivated is to keep track of your progress with an exercise log. Write down the exercise, how long you did it for, the distance you covered, and how you felt doing it. Over time you’ll see the improvements you’re making and be motivated to do more.
The more you exercise, the more active you’ll want to be. As you become more fit, you’ll find that you have more energy to play with your kids, take the stairs at work, walk to the post office, and clean your house, which will, in turn, increase your fitness level and help you get to your goal even faster.

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