Friday 9 September 2011

How to make money with Google Adsense

Today I am going to show you how to make money with Google adsense . Some of you may be wondering what is Google adsense? OK its so simple. It is a pay per click program . This means you get paid when other people click advertisements by Google. You need to have a website to do this and if you don't have one, don't  worry because i will show you a simpler way to do it. And if you already have a website skip this instructions and go to Google adsense website .
If you don't have a website or a blog you can follow this steps


Go to as shown below and Log In with your gmail account. If you don't have one you can sign up


Follow up all processes and create yourself a blog site (you don't need any knowladge of web design)

Since now you have a website you can start blogging on any material you think people will search on the internet eg. news ,celebrities ,fashion , music etc.

Now go to Monetize tab and crate an adsense account NB. for blogger, google adsense will go through your content for the next 48 hours to 1 week but for a paid domain there is more chances to get approved in one day.


Once your adsense account is approved, you can now go to Design tab then select Add Gadget then select adsense this is where you will control the size and colors of  the advertisements and where to place them on you blog can see examples in the sides of this blog and when people click it, you get your money. Google will sum up all your earnings every 7th of the month and you can they will send you a cheque or you can keep your money on hold until the day you need them. You can also change the method of receiving your money in either paypal or other means that you will be provided there.  


Now you are good to go and start making some money. Yes i said money because when someone now clicks the advertisements on your blog site like what you can see on the sides of this blog, it means you are getting paid.See you at the top. In the next blog i will show you how to improve the traffic (audience) on your website. You can follow me on twitter to get updates too.Yours sincerely Steve Toom

1 comment:

  1. thnx for posting this .. i have now started my blog and am getting some money. i hope by the end of the month i will have had enough to get me a new laptop
