Monday 5 September 2011

Best video evidence ever of Madonna being a fantastically vile bitch

Isn't it lovely when people buy you flowers?
NO. NO. IT BLOODY ISN'T. At least, not if you're Madonna.
Some fan or hanger-on or generally inferior human thought it would be nice to hand Madge a bunch of hydrangeas at her press conference in Venice last week but man, were they wrong.
Unfortunately for the stupid pathetic thoughtless nobody in question (Madonna's thoughts, not ours), Madonna absolutely loathes hydrangeas.
And unfortunately for Madonna, the cameras were still rolling when she said exactly that.
This is basically the best video ever. Watch it. Then watch it again. Then say "I absolutely loathe hydrangeas" in a snooty transatlantic accent every time anybody does something nice for you. It feels good.

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