Sunday 4 September 2011

'Shane used to use my beauty products... now he's got his own': Elizabeth Hurley says Warne's makeover is complete

He has repeatedly hit back against criticism over the metrosexual makeover he has undergone since he started dating Elizabeth Hurley.
But now the model-turned-actress has revealed her cricketer boyfriend Shane Warne is so concerned about his appearance that he has his own set of beauty products.
Hurley, 46, told Easy Living magazine: 'He has his own set now. He uses the girls' ones - they're much better, as I'm sure you know.
'Shane's got his own set of beauty products now!' Elizabeth Hurley reveals all about her boyfriend's beauty regime in the new issue of Easy Living magazine
'Shane's got his own set of beauty products now!' Elizabeth Hurley reveals all about her boyfriend's beauty regime in the new issue of Easy Living magazine
'Every guy I've ever known has used my beauty products and continued to do so.'
She refused to rule out the prospect of marriage to the spin bowler, saying: 'I'd never say never'.
Hurley also admitted she had only seen one cricket match in her life and said she would not have to see another onebecause 'Shane's retired completely now'.
What a difference: Warne looking slender last month, and sporting a few extra pounds last December
What a difference: Warne looking slender last month, and sporting a few extra pounds last December
What a difference: Warne looking slender last month, and sporting a few extra pounds last December
Warne has been battling against rumours he has undergone surgery to achieve his new look, and insisted in a recent interview on Australian interview that he 'hasn't changed one bit'.
He said: 'I'm no longer the 30-year-old bloke whoused to sit in the changing room and have beer and pies. I still do that but I'm 42 and maturing now. I still like my beans in the morning. Or my spaghetti on toast.'
Onhis new trimmer figure, Warne commented: 'I'm around 78 kilos at the moment. I'm running. I'm fit, I'm strong. I was around 92kg when I was playing.
'I haven't changed a bit!' Warne went on an Australian radio show last week to insist he hasn't had any surgical intervention
'I haven't changed a bit!' Warne went on an Australian radio show last week to insist he hasn't had any surgical intervention
'I actually wanted to get fit. I got into it and I really started to enjoy it so I have kept going.'
Warne also addressed the widely-held belief that his relationship with Hurley was the reason behind his health kick, saying: 'I think Liz is annoyed about reports she's the person who's changed me.
'ElizabethHurley hasn't got her high heels in the middle of my back saying, "You must do 100 push ups" and, "You can't do that". It's absolute rubbish.
'Suddenly people see you with Elizabeth Hurley and they see you mixing with some of her friends and they think, "Where's this Aussie guy who had a pie and beer in his hand gone?"'
The full interview with Hurley appears in the new edition of Easy Living out on Thursday September 8.

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