I just discovered a way of owning facebook places as your own page. Some of you think or asking what for? One word "traffic" a common word used by bloggers and web-developers around the world. It all comes down to making good money out of it. Facebook made changes and they actually think they are improving but its framework gets naked every time i look at it.
Ok i was toking about how i owned Places as my own pages and later on looked for the Real owners to surrender the pages to.
This is what I did
Someone updated their status "having a nice time -in Sankara Hotel" .Sankara hotel is a Place and it displays as a link. when you click the link it turns out its a page you can 'Like' .. and also it turns out that you can add info about it. (This means NO ADMIN) I tried to find ways to make it mine but i held it to my thought (working on it) . Finally facebook made some changes and brought it to my face...They added a link written "Do you know the owner?" .. and this means you write the email or the name of the owner of the place..
I knew once you are in the developers mind there is no way they are going to approve the page with one suggestion .. I have a couple of fb accounts for such experiments .. I used five accounts to suggest and from the third suggestion i found an email as shown in the photo below.

That was a success. I then abandoned the page due to a couple of reasons 1. low number of likes (314) which means low traffic if i was to broadcast something on the wall. If some Bloggers knew of this method , they would make lots of money out of facebook traffic (Readers). If you are Here that means You were interested to know such things . Please don't try it and if you do (good luck) .. I used the word "Good luck" Because most of y'all don't know every countries Government Secret service have all your passwords. Ok let me stop here
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