Hello-hello Nick! If to be true, I even don't know what to start with... So, I will start from the very beginning. I live in Republick of Tatarstan - Kazan. This is a very nice place especially in summer and there are a lot of good people here. I was born on the 1 of January. About how I found you? - First of all I decided to find a serious man for a relationship and therefore I came to the I-cafe and pleased the manager to help me to do that. So, he opened me a several pages and I decided to write to you. Therefore, please,write me about yourself as more as you can. Oh, I have a very good day, because I have received a letter from you! I will try to tell more about myself. I work in hospital, and I am a children doctor by profession. My work is rather interesting, but it is not easy, because very often I am responsible for a kid's life and this is hard to be responsible for such a seriouse matter! and what is about you? tell me what you are and what are your ambitions in life, please. About my family, I live together with my Mother, my Father died when I was 15. But I really dont want to talk about that, because we need ti live in the present and not in the past. Right after finishing school I entered the medical University. After that I was offered a vacancy in our Hospital. I agreed without thinking it over, because I thought that this is my vocation and I was not mistaken, because i never felt pity about my choice since. Not much changed from that time, but one day I realised that I am tired of life here, tired of being alone. And may be you thinking now - why such a beaurtiful lady is still alone? Everything is much more simple. I want to find the usual man that won't try to change me, who will accept me as I am and won't go after the young models when I will become old... here, in Russia men are very spoilt, that's why it is a real problem to find a good one! There are 2 reasons, wny I don't want a man from Russia near me: 1.In Russia there are 6 men to 10 women. and from those 6 men, 4 are heavy-drinkers, the rest are left for poor 10 women who have to go into BIG TROUBLE to make them marry. you even can't imagine HOW GREAT is the man-problem here in Russia. there are plenty of really pretty women who are alone. they are smart, they are not ugly they want to have kids and family, but they are LONELY or their husbands are such beasts! 2.And as you know now there are a lot of good and beaurtiful women here. And everybody want to have a man, the sex finally. So, this type of woman dont look at the ring on the man's finger. It doesn't matter for those women. They are very beaurtiful too and they are ready to come to a man in anytime or to invite him at home. So, it is very difficult for a man to say "No" on her invitation to make love. Therefore, usually men here have a wife with children and 2 or 3 woman for making love. I really tired because of that and one day when i was walking home after the night shift in the hospital, I saw the advertisment of the internet-cafe. We have never had such before and decided to try, I did some photos and wrote some words about me and brought them to the internet. So here I am writing you my first letter! I don't know what it will lead me to, but at the moment I feel very interested in you! please, write me more about yourself and don't forget to send me your photo! I will look forward to your answer and will come here tomorrow again! With my best regards, Liliya.

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